I can help you with the following common issues which might occur as you get started, get going and continue with breastfeeding your baby:

  • getting started with breastfeeding in the early hours and days of your baby's life
  • sore nipples and pain when feeding
  • positioning your baby and yourself for comfortable breastfeeding
  • frequency of feeds and knowing your baby is getting enough milk
  • feeding twins, triplets or more babies
  • tandem feeding (feeding your newborn and your first born)
  • engorgement, blocked ducts and mastitis
  • identifying tongue tie or other issues which may make breastfeeding more challenging
  • breastfeeding at night
  • partner's role and how he/she can best support breastfeeding
  • expressing and storing your breast milk
  • pressure from others to do things differently
  • moving on from breastfeeding
  • any other breastfeeding or lactation related issue